First in a stunning debut series, A Darkness Forged in Fire introduces an unforgiving world of musket and cannon...bow and arrow...magic, diplomacy, and oaths -- each wielding terrible power in an Empire teetering on the brink of war.
Konowa Swift Dragon, former commander of the Empire's elite Iron Elves, is looked upon as anything but ordinary. Tainted by the mark of the Shadow Monarch, he's murdered a Viceroy, been court-martialled, seen his beloved regiment disbanded and dishonoured and been banished in disgrace to the deep forest; the one place he despises most.
Now all he wants is to be left alone; but for Konowa - part hero, part renegade - nothing is that simple. Recalled from exile and ordered to re-form the Iron Elves for a desperate and very probably suicidal mission, he sets out in the company of a motley band of misfits, rebels and outcasts. For the Shadow Monarch and her allies have harnessed destructive forces with the power to tear worlds apart - and those who bear her mark have a destiny greater than they know ...
Auteur: Chris Evans
Jaartal: 2008
Druk: -
Uitgever: Simon & Schuster Ltd - London
Aantal Pagina's: 419
ISBN Nummer: 978-1-84737-362-5
Conditie: goede staat
Goede staat:
- Boek is gelezen, maar heeft geen serieuze beschadiging of duidelijk waarneembare slijtage
- Er is niet in geschreven
- Een eventuele stofomslag is niet noemenswaardig beschadigd
- Pagina's kunnen vergeling en/of stofsporen hebben